Brussels: Telespazio is participating in the European Space Conference

18 January 2024

On 23 and 24 January 2024, Telespazio will be one of the main actors in the sixteenth edition of the European Space Conference in Brussels. The company will take part in a number of round tables and, on 23 January, it will hold the #T-TeC – Telespazio Technology Contest ceremony awards.

Every year, the European Space Conference brings together in Brussels the main actors in the European space sector, so they can share ambitions, visions and perspectives on the main space programmes of the year.

Telespazio will be attending the event (held in the Square Brussels Convention Center) and will propose its vision of the future of space, as well as present its initiatives dedicated to innovation and sustainability.

During the first day of the conference (23 January), at 9:45, Luigi Pasquali, the CEO of Telespazio, with the other main European space leaders, will be one of the guests of the “Space Economic Security: A strategic approach for non-dependency and autonomy” round table. The discussion will focus on the initiatives ongoing in Europe to increase the level of autonomy in a number of sectors, ranging from access to space to telecommunications.

The day after (24 January), at 9:30, Gabriele Pieralli, the COO of Telespazio, will be one of the speakers in the “European Space Policy: From Achievements to Future Ambitions” meeting, dedicated to defining the future ambitions of the main European space stakeholders.

Additionally, on 23 January, Telespazio will award the prizes to the winners of the fifth edition of the #T-TeC - Telespazio Technology Contest, the open innovation competition organised jointly with Leonardo and open to young STEM students from universities all over the world. As well as a cash prize, the #T-TeC competition also offers the possibility of transforming a project into a start-up, thus contributing, with Leonardo and Telespazio, to shaping the space sector of the future.

The #T-TeC 2023 awards ceremony will be held on 23 January at 12:00.  Here is a link to follow the awards ceremony. Here is a link to follow the awards ceremony.

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