R&D Projects
Main R&D projects under development
RPASinAIR - Integration of the Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems in the non-segregated air space for services
The objective is to increase the safety and effectiveness performance of the Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) and integrate them into the air space in safe conditions, supporting innovative territorial monitoring and control services using new sensors and technologies for the integrated analysis of multi-source (airplanes, satellites, on site) data.
CRUISE - Cyber secuRity in Uas mIssions by SatellitE link
The development of a service platform including the EO, GNSS and SatCom satellite infrastructure aiming to evaluate the cyber-attacks vulnerability of satellite datalink and command and control (C2) systems for UAS in Visual & Radio line of sight (VLOS/RLOS) and Beyond Radio Line of Sight (BRLOS) mission operation.
U-DRAGON: Unified - DistRibuted Advanced Global Operative Network
Development of micro-ground stations network for nano/micro satellites equipped with fixed and mobile antennas and tracking systems.
DIODE - D-Flight Internet of Drones Environment
The project, by a demonstration campaign in several scenarios, aims at demonstrating how the effectiveness of U-Space services and procedures, up to U3, ensures an efficient and adequate safety level for multiple drone operations, fully integrated into the European ATM environment, and in all types of environment.
OCEAN 2020 - Open Cooperation for European mAritime awareNess
Research programme for naval surveillance and maritime security. Aiming to improve the maritime situational awareness by above and under the water deployment of unmanned systems. Telespazio and e-Geos, an ASI (20%) / Telespazio (80%) company, support the programme respectively on connectivity aspects of the satellite link and with SEnSE platform performed on board the main ship.
EMERGE – Veicoli Commerciali Leggeri & Tecnologie Emergenti per operatività di “tutti i giorni” e di “ausilio nelle emergenze

With a perspective of a scientific and technological advancement in the field of ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) applied to the automotive sector, the project foresees the development and test of applications for "Connected“ vehicles based on GALILEO, 5G and Cybersecurity. Telespazio is involved in supporting the activities of: supply and integration of the satellite system, analysis of future HTS constellation and of high precision localization and integrity services.
SESAR 2020 - Single European Sky ATM Research
In the context of research aiming to support the Air Traffic Management at European level, Telespazio SpA and Telespazio Vega Deutschland, collaborate and support the development of advanced technologies for Satellite Navigation and Communication in Aviation domain (including Apron, RPAS).
STEMS -System Suitability Study for Train Positioning Using GNSS in ERTMS in 2020
Telespazio UK, a Telespazio SpA subsidiary, is involved in the ESA project aiming to analyse the suitability of the GNSS use with SBAS corrections in the EU’s ERTMS system
FLAMINGO - Fulfilling enhanced Location Accuracy in the Mass-market through Initial GalileO services
Telespazio France takes part in Flamingo initiative that aims to develop and deliver high accuracy and reliable positioning and navigation services targeted to mass market segment. The planned activities are focused on the definition of IoT and LBS applications.
CISE Datamining - A CISE-Gateway based Data Mining Service
Telespazio France takes part in CISE Datamining project that aims to implement a Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) for the EU maritime domain. The CISE DMS R&D project is to implement the algorithms allowing, from data exchanged through the EU CISE (Common Information Sharing Environment) infrastructure like AIS or information from the satellite images to characterize the level of confidence that can be granted in the information. Few services are developed: Check data coming from different ship databases, Ship motion prediction, Data Fusion (AIS / satellite observations), Pattern of life.