Telespazio celebrates 20 Years of activity in Romania

Bucharest  15 November 2018

Telespazio celebrated its first 20 years of activity in Romania, at the Italian Embassy in Bucharest. Actually, Telespazio has been operating in Romania since 1998 through RARTEL, a company in which it is the majority shareholder in a joint venture with RADIOCOM (Societatea Națională de Radiocomunicații), controlled by the Ministry of Communications and Information Society.

The ceremony was attended by the Italian Ambassador Marco Giungi, Telespazio CEO Luigi Pasquali, Rartel CEO Roberto Scagnoli, the President of the Societatea Naţională de Radiocomunicaţii, Eugen Brad.

Having greeted the participants, Ambassador Marco Giungi referred to RARTEL’s importance on the European Aerospace Industry scene, pointing out how the successes it has achieved are an example of the potential of industrial collaboration between Italy and Romania, in sectors with a highly technological and scientific core.

Telespazio’s CEO, Luigi Pasquali, said: “RARTEL began doing business in Romania in 1998, playing a leading role in the history of satellite services in that Country, always there for clients and institutions for whom space technology is important for attaining their goals. Integration into NATO and the EU, as well as the Romanian Space Agency gaining membership of the European Space Agency, are events that will make development of the space industry in that country ever more possible. Over these 20 years, RARTEL has worked closely with its Romanian shareholder, SNR, and we are convinced that this collaboration can be deemed a success, with important advantages for both parties”.

The Chairman of SNR, Eugen Brad pointed out, “The partnership between the Societatea Națională de Radiocomunicații (RADIOCOM) and Telespazio, via their joint venture RARTEL, has contributed to the constant growth of the Cheia Satellite Communications Centre, the only infrastructure of its kind in Romania. Since 2015 the two companies have been involved in a series of important satellite programmes, extending the range of services offered both nationally and internationally, (examples of which are the contract won with the Romanian television body, the telemetry services for EUMETSAT, and localisation and package data commutation services for Inmarsat). We are sure that this partnership has brought about stability and sustainability, making the Cheia Satellite Communications Centre one of the most important, if not the largest, teleport in Central and South-West Europe”.

RARTEL is a Company that specializes in satellite services and applications, providing the Romanian and international corporate and institutional market with the entire portfolio of the Telespazio Group’s products and services. More specifically, RARTEL offers fixed and mobile telecommunications services, performs in-orbit control of satellites and ground segment development for space missions, as well as marketing geoinformation products and services.

On this occasion, an exhibition was presented that includes ten spectacular, high-definition, optical and radar satellite images which make it possible to take a true virtual flight over the territory of Romania, highlighting some specific and very interesting features.

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