On 15 December 2020, during a virtual awards ceremony, we announced the winners and special mention projects of the second edition of the #T-Tec - Telespazio Technology Contest, Telespazio's Open Innovation initiative.

From Italy to the United Kingdom, from France, to Germany and Spain, 50 students, PhD students and researchers from 32 departments of 20 universities in 15 European cities have partecipated at the 2020 edition of #T-TeC, challenging with innovative ideas and solutions in the space and aeronautics field. 

The representatives of the teams took part in the event, run in digital mode by live streaming, and included input from Luigi Pasquali, CEO of Telespazio, Roberto Cingolani, Chief Technology & Innovation Officer of Leonardo and Marco Brancati, Chief Technology & Innovation Officer of Telespazio.


In 2020, #T-TeC participants competed on several technological themes in two different competition categories:

  • "Light", dedicated to the integration of existing technologies in order to create new services;
  • "Photon", concerning the development of new technologies.

News about #T-TeC