On Wednesday 2 February, the first T-Talk of 2022 was broadcast. T-Talk are a series of meetings streamed live on Telespazio’s digital channels addressing topics in technological innovation and space.
The new series of events has begun with an English-language episode entitled “Innovators in Space”. Telespazio sees this as an opportunity to give a voice to the new generations, starting with the concrete projects presented in the third edition of T-TeC, Telespazio’s contest for students and researchers all over the world.
The T-Talk was conducted by UK-based science reporter Richard Hollingham. The guests were representatives of the three winning teams in T-TeC 2021: Alessandro Lotti, Tomas Boschetto and David Gonzalez Olivejero, with Stefano Beco (Telespazio Head of Technology, IPR and Product Policy) and Alessia De Matteis (a participant in the first T-TeC contest, now an engineer with Telespazio).
How will Space and technology change tomorrow? What ideas will contribute to the evolution of human beings on Earth and in Space? And, above all, how can new generations of STEM students and researchers play a leading role in the constantly changing space industry?
The T-TALK on “Innovators in Space” was broadcast live on Wednesday, February 2 on the company’s digital channels (Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube).
Inaugurated in 2021 to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of Telespazio’s foundation, T-TALKs encourage discussion about the future of the space industry and more. Previous episodes have focused on Space for Citizens, Space Exploration, and the proliferation of Space Debris. A special episode looked back over the company’s history since 1961. All previous episodes are available for viewing on Telespazio’s YouTube channel.