The future of Space Economy

27 November 2020

“Gli Stati Generali della Space Economy”, which have involved the major players of the Italian aerospace world, such as Telespazio, Leonardo and Thales Alenia Space, have been held on November 25 and 26.

Reviewing the Italian Space Economy and charting the course to the future objectives. This has been the goal of  “Gli Stati Generali della Space Economy”, organised by Forbes Italia, attended by Telespazio and e-GEOS bringing their experience and their ideas about the future of the industry.

Tuesday November 25, in particular, Luigi Pasquali, Space Activity Coordinator of Leonardo and CEO of Telespazio, took part in the panel dedicated to the relationship among enterprises and institutions, one of the critical issues of the whole sector.

During the panel, which was also attended by the Undersecretary of State for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, On. Riccardo Fraccaro, the Head of Industrial Policy and Small Medium Enterprises Division of ESA, Luca del Monte, and the President of Italian Space Agency (ASI), Giorgio Saccoccia, Pasquali has described the strategy of Leonardo and Telespazio for the next years, in which the Space and its associated services will be increasingly essential.

 “Today, space is already becoming an operational domain that is a place where we operate aiming at economical, strategic and defence goals, an extension of the planet surface where many activities are carried out. In the medium-term, its importance will be even greater. We are already working so that all this takes place and I am sure that in a couple decades it will come true.”

Luigi Pasquali, Space Activity Coordinator of Leonardo and CEO of Telespazio

The second panel, titled “Space Projects - Planning and Practicality: the imminent future of Space-in-Italy” has seen the involvement of Giuseppe Aridon, Head of Strategy and Competitive Analysis of Telespazio, who has explained how the ongoing changes in the sector increasingly represent opportunities that must be seized to be competitive.

“This is a time full of changes and challenges for the Space sector. New projects, new players and new ways to work in space are appearing and will leave their mark on the future. This includes new cooperation procedures between the public and private sectors, both of which are essential for the development of the activities: the public sector by supporting investments and innovation and the industry, the whole industrial supply chain, by continuing to provide answers suited to market requirements, “rejuvenating” every day, renewing its know-how and products to remain competitive and to innovate.”

Giuseppe Aridon, Head of Strategy and Competitive Analysis of Telespazio

Wednesday 26 came the turn of Paolo Minciacchi, CEO of e-GEOS, who has recounted, during the panel titled “Space Projects - From qualification to applications: the complete supply chain”, how e-GEOS, through its experience and the cooperation with all the Italian excellences in the geo-information sector, looks at the world markets with increasing determination.


“e-GEOS, with its know-how, its global role and its capability to propose innovative solutions, along with the Academy and the national supply chain of the geo-information sector, consisting of start-ups and SME, decisively contributes to the development of new downstream services, such as CLEOS, which also look at the world market, and presents itself as a strong and reliable interlocutor of the other institutional Italian and European stakeholders.”

Paolo Minciacchi, CEO of e-GEOS

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