Telespazio experts are active 24/7 to control all phases of the satellite life span from LEOP (Launch and Early Orbit Phase) through station keeping in the correct orbital slot up until deorbiting. Throughout the years, we have consolidated a wide experience to operate satellites in all orbits (LEO, MEO and GEO).
Satellite Operations
Satellite Operations
Our services
Full LEOP (Launch and Early Orbit Phase)
Telespazio offers the complete set of skills and systems to deliver a satellite in orbit after separation from the launcher. This delicate phase of the satellite life includes operation of the Satellite Control Center, deployment and operations of a Ground Station Network and Flight Dynamics analysis.
In Orbit Control
Once in their final orbital slot, satellites require command and control operations to be kept in their slots and ensure that they are healthy and performing their mission. Telespazio is able to provide these station keeping services acting as main control center or back up.
Flight Dynamic Services
Being it during LEOP or during In Orbit Control, Telespazio is able to perform all operations to determine and propagate the orbit of a satellite as well as defining the best propulsion strategy for satellite maneuvers and feed data back to the control center.